Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weight Loss Enhancement - Or Weight Loss Giving Up

Are you still waging the “how can I lose weight” battle? Regardless of your weight loss frustration, don't be giving up!

If you are still looking for a good way to lose weight, I may be able to help. First, at a glance mind you, here are the diets to use, from easy to hard:

*skip all desserts – boring, but gets someone started
*skip all white foods: white breads, white crackers and buns, white rice, white pastas
*skip all breads, grains and pastas, all the whole grains and sprouted breads
*eat low to non fat processed frozen foods and ingest a ton of artificial chemicals

So what do you have left to eat?

*Proteins; meats (beef, lamb, pork, bison,emu, whale (I know, gross!), poultry, fish, eggs
*fruit in limited quantities
*dairy products; milk, cream, cheeses, yogurts, sour cream, kefir (from cows, goats or sheep)
*nuts; good for fiber, omega 3 oils, resveratrol, vitamins and minerals
*the starvation HCG type of diet which you must do with DAILY M.D. GUIDANCE. Please do not try at home. :)

Some of you will start to lose weight just skipping desserts. The lucky ones!

Many of you will start to lose weight skipping all the white foods, and switching to whole grains.

Some of you will start to lose weight giving up ALL grain-sourced foods. ALL.

Some of you WILL lose weight eating prepared frozen meals loaded with artificial flavoring, sweetening and coloring. God be with you.

But what really matters and what will make a diet successful? Does what you want to eat match with what you are willing to eat? The closer these two things match, the less weight loss frustration you experience.

Whichever kind of weight loss diet you choose, there is a way to do it with weight loss enhancement. Most weight loss success stories reflect how the dieter could curb emotional eating. Meaning, what they wanted to eat, versus what they ate.

If you could ramp up your conscious mind power, to change what your brain told you what you wanted to eat, would you put a small expense and a little time into that? I'm thinking that you would.

For a little nutritional background on the things that you eat:

*artificial sweeteners cause carbohydrate cravings – medical studies have shown
fake or over processed foods confuse your biochemical balance and eventually problems show up
*vitamin deficiencies cause sugar and fat cravings, fatigue, depression and anxiety

So, if you know how, you would ideally eat fresh home prepared foods, include the protein/vegetable/dairy/fruit groups of foods as needed, and just ...forget the rest?

What you are “used to” kind of means “addicted to”. You have trained your body to jump-start energy in various ways that have not been nutritionally balanced, or you wouldn't be overweight.

If you know how, you will begin, or increase, or change your exercise program. There is no argument about burning more calories than you eat, whatever style of diet you are on, or want to be on.

Fast weight loss is almost always temporary weight loss. You don't need “fast”. You need focused and persistent. Not that you should be hungry during focused and persistent. Hunger comes from brain signals.

I hope I've interested you in trying out a way to use your very own conscious mind power so that you can generate a condition of weight loss enhancement, and get out of the weight loss giving up mode.


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