Saturday, July 31, 2010

Adult Dancers Worry About Weight When They Get Back to Ballet

Some adult ballet beginners or dancers who have gone back to ballet after years off, need to CURB EMOTIONAL EATING first. Many have established eating habits that are hard to break. A little special help is needed to change lifestyle choices and create healthy eating habits which can benefit you in many ways.

An adult returning to ballet, or just thinking about getting into ballet wear can blush at the vision in their mind.

Oh boy, standing at the barre in leotards and tights...... what will that look like? It takes courage!

Many dance studios allow adults to wear baggier clothes for ballet. Dance accessories such as leg warmers and favorite ballet company T shirts can disguise bulges and bumps in the silhouette.

But the dream is to get into pink tights and a beautiful flattering leotard. Or for the men in ballet, black tights and a tight T shirt showing off some pecs!

Some individuals can lose weight fast by cutting carbs. But many, depending on their age, don't drop the fat so easily.

Then there is the issue of emotional, or nervous eating. Nervous eaters do not succeed with the one week weight loss diets or the "fast easy" fat melting diets.

Eating because of social shyness, or or some other condition, results in a weight gain that now gets a person on a circular track of getting brave - getting back to ballet - then eating out of fear - but still wanting to go to the dance studio and eventually look good.

Well, the posse has arrived. It is called CONSCIOUS MIND POWER. Brain training programs are not new, but the attention on dancers for this activity, is.

You are brave and should be applauded if you have decided to get back to ballet. Part of brain training is learning how to applaud yourself - but there is a lot more to it than that. Give yourself a support system - learn how to create a new CONSCIOUS MIND POWER and CURB EMOTIONAL EATING with The Inner Dance of Success - Dancer's Weight Loss.


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